: Sara Huckabee Sanders youtu.be/TlCcJmW2s… RNC Nite 2

: Tonight I watched nite 2 of the RNC. Before the end I was wishing I had recorded it, as many of the …

: Enough is enough. If Biden isn’t gonna go on his own accord, a Congressional investigation of …

: Our cicadas our thriving. Today there were many dozens of them all over the large leaves of plants …

: Cicadas in the Midwest The cicadas have arrived here in the Midwest in the last few days. We have a small garden at the …

: scripting.com/2024/05/0… The Soundtrack of Your Life Dave Winer on George Harrison and Bob …

: From tonight's Scripting News: Something the HTTPS evangelists must not understand: there’s substantial breakage when you …

: Unending Travel Long term strategy: Get all debt paid off in full. Then master the skill of making ham radio CW …

: This coming weekend is Field Day weekend in Thailand. I will be celebrating at home. 🎉

: Is anyone here using a Freewrite device, such as an Alpha, a Traveler, or a Smart Typewriter? …

: Alamy images of egrets in Thailand Yesterday we took a 9.5 hr train ride from Bangkok all the way north to Lampang. About 1/3 of that …

: Our EVA Air flight to Taipei had a 95 mins cartoon from Japan: New Dimension! Crayon Shinchan My …

: I think our train might be electric. Rides pretty smooth. One woman is traveling with her six kids, …

: TX5S is active on 10m now to contact the world from Clipperton Island on CW, a big DXpedition. …

: We will taking the train to Lampang in the North of Thailand today. I hope to get my ham station on …

: I’m posting live from Thailand now for the next month. We are in our hotel in Bangkok right …

: Oh, bother. National Winnie the Pooh Day is 18 January and I learned about it on 19 January! Pooh …

: New Pooh medium.com/@elisabet…

: Fun to watch the Packers demolish the Cowboys!!! The first NFL game I ever saw in person was …

: It’s been three days since I got my Shingles vaccination shot and the soreness is now gone …

: Happy New Year I noticed it had arrived when the fireworks started all around us, loud & …

: I have a verrry sore right arm from the shingles vaccination I got around 5:30 pm tonight. But …

: The Niners won their opener against the Steelers, 30-7. Clearly no sophomore slump for Purdy, and …

: I saw the Super Blue Moon last night, 30 Aug 2023, 11:10 to 11:30 pm, totally clear sky, 60 deg F. …

: A Cool Morning I woke to a delicious 67 deg F this morning! I listened to a new K4SWL POTA activation which wrapped …

: There’s a battle outside and it’s raging! 2 Apr 2010 Sinead O’Connor - The Times …

: History will eventually show that the IRS whistleblowers are American heroes. Their intervention may …

: We got our house power back early this evening after no power for 52.5 hrs. The storm passed through …

: We have power out in the Midwest, from a thunderstorm that has passed through. We have tree branches …

: In Memorium - Steve Porter This posting is in memory of my longtime & loyal friend, Steve Porter, now SK*. Today is his …

: The IRS Mission Provide America’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax …

: Maybe this Trump nonsense will inspire some computer nerd to develop some AI for district attorneys, …

: 3/15 extensions filed. Still cranking out returns, even though I’m the oldest I’ve ever …

: Fantastic Superbowl! Two excellent teams fought like hell and the team with MVP squeaked out a win. …

: ⭐ Possible Titles for Andy ⭐ A Fool No More Ballad of a Programmer Beyond Here Lies Andy …

: A Dave Winer podcast -- On Friday Dave Winer recorded a podcast which has data that everyone in the blogosphere should know …

: December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy. — FDR - President of USA.

: Mutiny on the Bounty updated This video is an interview with the author of a book about Pitcairn Island which is one of the most …

: Here’s a Steve Jobs story for all you Apple fans.

: Shannon Bream has been a huge upgrade to Fox News Sunday. She is always cheerful and fair to …

: Our National Pastime I watched most of the World Series games again this year. When I was growing up in the 40’s …

: The lady doth protest too much, methinks Poor old Joe gave another lecture on TV tonight. Why do his handlers let him embarrass himself like …

: The 42 year old woman who got beaten up by kids on a DC bus said she didn’t want the kids …

: I finished my 38th tax season at 2 pm yesterday. All my clients had their returns by noon, plenty of …

: My Life Before QE2 - #2 In Nov 1952 we moved to Decatur because my dad had been transferred to the new home office of the …

: “I had a resolution this year:” “Only talk to people who listen to me!” Ye …

: A John Cleese Book to Get Watch John Cleese’s War on Wokeism at Freedomfest. In his short & cheerful guide on …

: The next time you feel like you’re leading a pretty tough life, watch this series of four …

: My Life Before QE2 - #1A This arrangement of the song is the most true to the version we sang that morning at church: three …

: My Life Before QE2 - #1 In the 1940’s we were living in Galesburg, IL, my birthplace, as well as that of the great …

: My Life Before QE2 - #intro Series Introduction On 9 Sep 2022 Jean wrote: “I wonder if there is anyone on Micro.blog who …

: Yesterday the nurses on her floor at the hospital all signed a lovely thank you card for my wife. …

: European leaders have not served their people well in turning away from fossil fuels in favor of …

: Our city has been recognized as the 13th most affordable.city in the US. 13. Decatur, Illinois Cost …

: Our city has been recognized as the 13th most affordable.city in the US. Decatur, Illinois Cost of …

: Our city has been recognized as the 13th most affordable.city in the US. Decatur, Illinois Cost of …

: “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder …

: China 🇨🇳 is developing a super new battery technology that was invented here in the US. The US must …

: This Esquire book list looks like a good one and all have big discounts at Amazon. But when I added …

: Biden has sold some of the US Strategic Oil Reserve to other countries, including CHINA. Even the …

: Happy Birthday to The 14th Dalai Lama, known as Gyalwa Rinpoche to the Tibetan people, born on 6 …

: There are over 12 million freedom loving, law abiding citizens living in my home state of Illinois. …

: In 2005 a podcast of Christopher Ricks discussing the brilliance of Bob Dylan’s songs was …

: Old Crow Medicine Show performs Visions of Johanna from their 2017 live album, 50 Years of Blonde on …

: I got an email from WARCA, the World Amateur Radio Contesting Association, which I didn’t know …

: Politico reported that Biden “has expressed exasperation that his poll numbers have sunk below …

: Biden started his speech tonight by saying that this time we must “Do Something” about …

: This is an excellent video of a hike to the summit of Mt Whitney. I did this hike in 1967, just …

: Well known ham radio operator from Ukraine has united with his family to start a new life in …

: Public Service Announcement What you need to know about bookkeeping.

: 87°F outside here this afternoon, 80° inside. It is the first time this year that we have turned on …

: On the 5th Day of May. Dylan performs Isis during Rolling Thunder Revue. Here we see video from …

: Doing tax season is like herding cats in a violent windstorm with thunder crashing all about. 💻

: So great to see GOOD news coming out of NYC for a change. One priceless video on FOX was of the New …

: This is NOT a movie. This is REAL LIFE. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. On 60 Minutes, 10 April 2022. …

: Althouse to the Rescue I can’t take it any longer. I have this subscription to Winer that shows up in my email every …

: Video clip from ABC News. For many years I drove a BMW R-50 motorcycle, which was from the same …

: John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth …

: The top architect in my hometown in the 1920’s through 1940’s, who built and lived in …

: Bob Dylan performed a live debut of his song about Caesar leading his army across the Rubicon River …

: Climb a mountain & talk to the world. This has become a verrry popular activity in ham radio …

: I found my report cards from 1st grade through high school. In 3rd grade I was 47 ½ inches …

: U.N. members voted 141 to 5 to condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “special military …

: Memento mori Remember that you will die. 💀

: Happy Birthday Abe Lincoln, the Railsplitter President. He was born 12 Feb 1809, so I barely made …

: Jodi Ettenberg Many years ago this woman almost single handedly got me started with blogging, as well as traveling …

: Dave Winer has not posted anything on his blog today. This is verrry unusual! 😟

: In the film Soylent Green, events all take place in the year 2022.

: In the film Soylent Green, events all take place in the year 2022.

: Fantastic 49ers playoff game tonight. They kicked a field goal with 4 secs left on the clock to win …

: Fantastic 49ers playoff game tonight. They kicked a field goal with 4 secs left on the clock to win …

: GREAT JOB NINERS!! 🏈 On to the playoffs!

: Klay Thompson is expected to return to the Warriors’ starting lineup within days. After their win at …

: Alec Baldwin apparently did NOT know the details of how his prop gun works. A gun expert …

: Lady Gaga, a very talented singer and songwriter, has shown outstanding class by hosting a broadcast …

: I watched the recent video of Zuckerberg announcing the name of his new frontier called meta. I …

: Today is the fourth anniversary of our big move to my home town after 50 years in California. It was …

: Here’s something for the Americans here. More than forty years ago. Long before today’s …

: Although Christo passed away last May, his team was able to complete the wrapping of L’Arc de …

: When I was a kid, we always watched this show on TV without fail every week. Here’s one that …

: I read the best way to live longer is to take a walk every day. So I took a walk, the first in a …

: Once again, I am saddened to see the lives of many good people destroyed by events totally spun out …

: If you’re elected president you are given full authority over all those in our military in the …

: I grew up in a town 180 m south of Chicago & 3 yrs ago returned to my childhood home, after 50 …

: Olympics Gold medal game in womens’ basketball, USA vs Japan. Avg height of the Asian team was …

: Bring an old Mac back to life by installing Chrome OS onto it for free.

: Hike Up Mt Whitney! -- I’ve decided to be an advocate for hiking up Mt Whitney, the highest mountain (14,505 feet) in the …

: I Had an Epiphany This Morning -- I love it when that happens. As a result, I’ve decided to be an advocate for hiking up Mt …

: A Way Into Dylan - Some people are not much into Bob Dylan or his music. Others are very deep into Dylan. Some are not …

: Great News About Amtrak Trains They have announced plans for brand new, more modern, trains. My wife …

: Vonnegut's Career: All About New Tech - “What’s really on my mind is new technologies all the time and what they’re doing. …

: MLB All-Star game last night. Today I found out that home field advantage for the World Series is no …

: Some of these bootleggers, they make pretty good stuff Bob Dylan: “Some of these bootleggers, they make pretty good stuff Plenty of places to hide …

: Do You Want a Successful Blog? Advice about blogging recently began to appear on my Google newsfeed. …

: Woz got the right start in electronics by becoming a ham at the age of 10 years old. Now he fully …

: More Nina Simone published on YouTube on 2 July 2021. Decades ago a client told me about this …

: Today you are you that is truer than true There is no one alive who is youer than you — Dr …

: Nina Simone Blues for Mama published on YouTube, 2 July 2021.

: Nina Simone Blues for Mama published on YouTube, 2 July 2021.

: My uncle taught me how to whistle (VERY) loudly by blowing with my two forefingers inside my mouth. …

: Joanna Wang does Dylan, an excellent Isis. I don’t remember her doing Dylan before. I hope she …

: Most Horrifying Event in My Lifetime 6 August 1945. THE BOMB I had been alive for only thirty-four …

: Biggest Change for the Better in my Lifetime 5 July 1946. THE BIKINI First unveiled two days after …

: For a very revealing look at Bob Dylan’s terrific human qualities, start here, and consider …

: For a very revealing look at Bob Dylan’s terrific human qualities, start here, and consider …

: About Bob Dylan: “When you’re working with somebody who’s as dynamically …

: Legionaire’s Disease. Not a well known Bob Dylan song, because Bob never released his own …

: The new Pen & Ink Discover timeline is now here. Try it.

: The new Pen & Ink Discover timeline is now here. Try it.

: I stumbled onto a huge corner of the Internet. Apparently many folks have decided to make money by …

: I watched DHH appear on The Claman Countdown just before the closing bell today. Liz basically …

: This morning, I discovered civil twilight. I woke to a bird singing outside my window for at least …

: Here’s an interesting article about a woman who has been following a life path similar to my …

: I found a great story on the Internet that made me happy. That doesn’t happen very often! I …

: The IRS Is in Big Trouble and It's Only Getting Worse First, the IRS had the same problems that ordinary businesses encountered with covid lockdowns. They …

: Here’s an interesting 2019 interview of Melinda Gates. I really like her.

: I found this story about a psycho-neurological care home in Russia very touching. A volunteer woman …

: A game-changing zero emissions new power plant is coming to my hometown. When I was a kid, …

: To Wait Around I could never understand why anyone would ever agree to be the Vice President of the United States; …

: The Whole Earth Catalog was the first HowtoPedia I ever owned. First published in 1968 by Stewart …

: I thoroughly enjoyed the Super Bowl. 🏈 I found this article about Springsteen really …

: 100 seemed like a lot of things to wade through, but there was actually a very high signal to noise …

: Leadbelly Christmas Is A-Coming 🎄

: Biden: Hunter is the smartest guy he knows. Is that intended to reassure us?! Hunter dropped his …

: Could some folks with Apple devices do an image search with an Apple search engine for “China …

: It occurs to me there are public health officials who thought they would be only doing good for …

: It’s 3 am & 28°F outside. My weather app has been reporting snow flurries for an hour or …

: Wow, I just heard the news that HP has announced that they are moving their headquarters out of …

: We started the day today with tiny snow barely visible in the sky, right at 32° F. So 30 Nov 2020 is …

: Dave Winer linked to this article about why this writer decided to live in Berkeley. It makes some …

: The Midwest Just after sunrise, a fireball on the horizon had begun to be a sun in the sky.

: It seems like its been years since @Smokey posted here. But I looked back and discovered last …

: “You know, the one thing I will say about Donald Trump. He doesn’t talk down to anybody. He is who …

: Thursday night Justice Alito gave the Keynote Address to the Federalist Society. He said: To quote a …

: Next documentary on reading is Out of Print. Informative, but also scary as you get toward the end, …

: The Booksellers on Amazon Prime is terrific. If you love bookstores, watch it. If you ever stumbled …

: I’ve been watching the Roger Moore episodes of The Saint on Amazon Prime off & on all …

: Tonight, one of our Thai friends here in IL, probably in her mid-30’s, texted me that she …

: Yes, autumn is all about leaves, right? At least in the northern hemisphere. Stella likes leaves. A …

: I created a new page on my personal blog, an appeal for everyone to learn an essential technology …

: D.B. Carson, who supervised licensing and operation of all radio stations in U.S., shown holding the …

: In the “Careful What You Wish for Dept” we had Brad thinking a bit more change (“a …

: Lincoln’s advice to lawyers: “Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever …

: An example of the excellence of Doc Searls. These days about the only useful thing I get out of …

: Tonight my beloved wife is home at last after 16 days in the hospital for what is normally a routine …

: 39° F at 8:00 am local time in central Illinois this morning, with a clear blue sky.

: Is there anything comparable to a Sundown Town outside of the US? Or Is it strictly an American …

: I learned there is a promising new competitor to Goodreads. If that might interest you, read this …

: “I don’t remember a thing about Rolling Thunder. I mean, it happened so long ago, I …

: “We may have come here on different ships, but we’re certainly all in the same boat …

: Don't Protests Have Rules They Must Follow? When did the rules change to bring about these free-for-alls? I don’t understand how this came …

: Today Margaret Hoover ran a terrific Firing Line episode featuring Cornel West & Robert George. …

: 0ne of the two astronauts who launched into space this afternoon toward the Space Station is an …

: This is when we need a MLK, a great leader who people respect and will follow. Best candidate so far …

: I’m glad that @dave moved to the country from NYC in 2019. Even he said it was good for him. …

: “People see me all the time and they just can’t remember how to act.” “Their minds …

: Today is Bob’s birthday. He’s a few years older than I am, both of us growing up in the …

: Nojo Mini Concerts From Home I stumbled onto mini concerts by Norah Jones, from her music room at home, scads of them. She is …

: “Life isn’t about finding yourself — or about finding anything.” “Life is about creating …

: Listen to False Prophet right now. It has been on YouTube for one hour and already has 17K views. …

: More great Bob Dylan news, Columbia will publish his latest album of new songs, Rough And Rowdy Ways …

: ” ‘Tis the song, the sigh of the weary. Hard Times, hard times, come again no more. Many …

: “For this is your home, my friend, do not be driven from it; great men have done great things …

: “You must lurk in libraries and climb the stacks.” Ray Bradbury 💬

: “I was too curious about the future to look back.” Patti Smith, Just Kids. 💬

: A summary of my technical expertise. Simple, but very powerful! Why is this not taught in high …

: Watching the 1985 Met performance of Aida with Leontyne Price as Aida, her legendary final …

: Oberlin now has blogs for students and faculty. We didn’t have that when I was there. …

: I talked with one of my favorite clients last night. Like most years, she was my first client to …

: Let's Give Some Kudos to the IRS for the Hard Work They Have Been Doing -- Tax accounting is my area of expertise. It started as an easy way to make money, like doing homework …

: Was There Ever a Star With Just One Name Before Odetta? -- It’s surprising to me that this seems to be the first book of any consequence about Odetta, …

: Another fantastic interview by Margaret Hoover this morning on Firing Line, this time Mark Cuban. …

: 15 April today and it doesn’t matter in the least! This is how it would always be, if I …

: Dave Winer has launched a new service for creating a special kind of outline with his LO2 outliner …

: One thing we can be thankful for is that this pandemonium hit after the Internet got built. Things …

: My closest childhood friend passed away about two hours ago from Covid-19. I’d known him since …

: Something terrific has happened on Twitter an hour ago!! Bob Dylan expressed gratitude to his fans, …

: I think this must be like a Golden Age for the dogs in our neighborhood. Their families have been …

: “Life isn’t about finding yourself … or finding anything! Life is about creating …

: My wife saw a large bunny in our yard this morning, our first of the year. I hope to see one soon, …

: Surely getting that 🐘 elephant 🐘 in the room totally out of the room would be a valid meditative …

: Dave Winer has started calling it CV, but that’s no good either. Regardless of how you spell …

: The word I’m most sick and tired of seeing: Coronavirus. I’d like to take a vacation …

: Clients Come First: my standard for decades. I have filed my own tax return late at times to finish …

: Mnuchin wants to get the money into the hands of the public fast. So use the IRS to do that, right? …

: We’re getting a thick downpour of snow here in central Illinois. It’s piling up, but the …

: Easiest tax season ever. The governor has declared we should all shelter in place & I’ve …

: My doc said I need to reduce stress in my life for my own health. New strategy for reducing stress: …

: I noticed Dr. Deborah Birx in these regular White House virus briefings. I did some reading & …

: I have my first paid subscription on the web. I paid $1.82 for six months behind the pay wall on the …

: A man from London has become the second person in the world to be cured of HIV, doctors say.

: There are now 32 cases of coronavirus in Illinois, all in Northern IL, none fatal. Our county in …

: Ten more days until Spring, 19 March 2019. 🐝 🦋 🥀 🌷

: Dave had an epiphany. I appreciate his coming to a special understanding about politics by way of …

: My neurologist told me I’m not allowed to drive a car for the next 6 mos. If no seizures …

: Taken on Valentine’s Day after a full day of snow on the 13th. It was 10 deg F at 3:00 pm.

: 27 days until Spring, just short of four weeks. I’m ready. 😃 🥀 🌷

: My bro was here 2 wks, 30’s-40’s temp & dry the whole time. Yesterday, with him back …

: A very old blogger passed away today. Over 100, just like my father was when he passed.

: A few days after our return from Thailand, I couldn’t walk well or talk. I was having a …

: It was terrific watching the jubilation of Jerry Rice at an NFC championship game in Santa Clara. …

: Amazingly, Dave Winer and Doc Searls remain on the bleeding edge of blogging technology. They are …

: A Very Long Travel Day -- Thursday 9 January was our long travel day home from our 80 day visit back in Thailand. It was a …

: Left for airport around 10:15 am, too early to check in with airline. Got through giant customs line …

: Travel day back to the US from Bangkok, flight scheduled to leave in about six hours. It will be a …

: Google Has Delivered For Me Over and Over -- I was considering a move away from Google, as so many on micro.blog have done and/or advocated. …

: Here’s a chart showing the number of daily active Facebook users, from 2011 thru 2019. The …

: “I would argue that commercial radio is the last reliable source of mass communication. This …

: Hey, it just turned 2020 here in Thailand. So HNY to all and to all a good night! 🎉 🎆

: My last year at Oberlin (1966-67) the college sponsored a “drug conference” before the …

: Advice Needed from Mac Nerds I’ve unearthed another old Apple device, this time at a computer repair shop here in Northern …

: My Three Words for 2020 This seems to be the time every year when I find myself doing long term planning. New year’s …

: Some Well Earned Thanks to Google! My wife and I are near the end of our 80 day stay in Thailand, the longest of my seven trips to her …

: One of my favorite Thai angels, at the government run Elephant Training Center just north of Lampang …

: We’re watching the Royal Barge Procession on live TV right now for the coronation of Rama X. …

: Over the last 15 years, the Thai baht has been the strongest currency against the US dollar, while …

: For folks who still use Google Maps, you can now delete your location data from their servers after …

: The awesome woman who built the very first ever Tesla pickup truck went to the release event to see …

: I highly recommend folks should read this article. It’s about one of the US presidential …

: Perfect weather this morning in Kanchanaburi. The birds agree. A huge variety of bird calls coming …

: Today we got up early and drove ten hours to Kanchanaburi, then another hour+ wandering around the …

: Today I got the best haircut of my long life at the new Destiny Barber shop in Lampang,Thailand. The …

: A pastime is an activity that you do to pass the time. When I was a kid, baseball was clearly the …

: Learning About Thailand A Guiding Principle for Myself If I begin to feel superior to these …

: In August, Doc Searls posted a message that archives of the Linux Journal were gonna be preserved. …

: Being in Thailand Guiding Principle If you begin to feel superior to these simple, happy people, …

: Warriors lead pretty much all the way & beat Portland by nine points. They had a harder time …

: Google has figured out where we are. I asked it. “What time is it in California?” and it …

: Exciting Times in Lampang 🇹🇭 What a fun afternoon & early evening we had in Lampang, Thailand. We started at the modern …

: On Friday Dave Winer posted some well considered thoughts about Facebook and civility. I think Dave …

: All about Google buying Fitbit from The Verge.

: Woke up this morn & then my brother & I watched the Niners win their 8th game of the season …

: Halloween is not a holiday here in Thailand, having never been ruled by a western culture. Had they …

: My brother was shocked to find Swenson’s ice cream in Thailand. I was MORE shocked to find …

: Dubs lost their first two! Is the sky falling for them?! Don’t diss Kerr, Dummies! Dedicated …

: Does anyone want to eat some barbeque? The Thai people devised a clever variation on the Korean …

: A sports reporter researched when the Warriors have lost three games in a row (rare) as though it …

: Using Chromebooks in Thailand 🇹🇭 This is my 6th trip to Thailand in the last six years and I’ve used a Chromebook for all my …

: All the plants in the yard have grown a lot since we were last here three years ago. Not too …

: Current Weather Report: At our home in IL - 50F & cloudy. At our Thai home near Lampang - 84F …

: A Nation That Honors Great Art in Nature 🇹🇭 In my first new posting in my Thailand blog since our return, I wrote about the lovely tree lined …

: Thailand Creates Its Own Path 🇹🇭 We spent 10 hrs today driving from Bangkok to the family home in the North. About halfway there, …

: Riding south from Chicago in the shuttle service van having picked up my passport at the Thai …

: Dave Winer started blogging by distributing messages by email & now you can get his daily …

: Someone asked what software project Dave Winer is now working on. I don’t know of any way to …

: Planning continues for our upcoming trip back to Thailand. The Thai Baht has been very strong …

: I wrote my Autobiography About Blogging. I am finally blogging independently of all silos and using …

: I have written two long postings about my life as a blogger, as well as 16 new postings about 🇹🇭 …

: On Friday Dave wrote: “What’s been uncovered in this scandal is how little is created …

: My brother told me about a 75% off sale on NordVPN - $107.55 for three years of service. Does anyone …

: There was some discussion of the closing of Fry’s in Palo Alto but I don’t know who …

: Wat Je Dee Sao in Lampang, Thailand The name means a temple with 20 chedis. Wat is temple, Sao is …

: On Friday Dave wrote about wanting to help people run their own web servers. This is a recurring …

: I just subscribed to Dave Winer’s new blogging-sent-by-email service. The sign up was in …

: For years most of my ham radio activities have been with QRP operating techniques. I just realized …

: I was reading Scripting News and stumbled onto Dave’s description of how Old School works, the …

: I read that Joe Walsh announced he was running for prez. Everyone loves the Eagles and he’s a …

: Jean hasn’t posted in well over a week and one of her last comments was about how the pain in …

: I agree with Seth on this: It’s possible to connect with people without endorsing their worst …

: I listened to a long interview of Andrew Yang and liked him a lot. He is plain spoken, not like a …

: Get in on the ground floor of investing in the upcoming booming market for Conspiracy Theory Books. …

: Jean Redpath sings Three Scottish Songs

: It never occurred to me that global warming might lead to the resurgence of train travel. Finally, …

: Yesterday was the three year anniversary of this posting by Dave Winer. I’m using 1999 again …

: Family A Big Day, for @macgenie

: More Great Buys, This Time at an Estate Sale -- Living Large We’re gradually upgrading things at our forever US home. I think it was …

: Patience @macgenie X-rays negative. Used it normally for 2+ mos. 2nd x-rays. Ooops, the bone is …

: Great thrift store find from yesterday: Sony ICF-36 4 Band portable radio in brand new condition, …

: I am pleased to discover that Dave’s tool 1999.io is still working, I’m glad that Doc …

: ”A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be …

: Mueller is the Same as I Am! Y'all Gotta Problem With That?!! -- The ONLY unscripted moment in the hearings today was when Mueller couldn’t think of the legal …

: Today I booked plane tickets for our next trip to Thailand. We will also be hosting my brother & …

: Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin is still playing baseball this summer in snow shoes. Plenty of pie still …



: Discover is dead in the water on day 3, since 4th of July. Jean is obviously busy. Someone else …

: How to Restore Vintage Tube Radios -- There’s a ham in Israel who records a podcast every week with a different ham from around the …

: Driving home from fireworks at the lake, a wrong turn had us driving through neighborhoods, like …

: Tenth title in The New Tom Swift Jr Adventure Series. 1957 Grosset & Dunlap hardback edition.

: Ever since Manton made those recent server updates, I’ve been noticing very slooooow Timeline …

: 1966-99 William F. Buckley ran Firing Line. He used big words & interviewed everyone. Civilized …

: Harris has what Hilary never had, she’s easy to like. I don’t think Trump could easily …

: I think it’s been the same since I was in grade school. People vote for the candidate they …

: I think the two candidates who improved their chances the most in the election from their debate …

: For years I said that Silicon Valley should be using their brain power to get a Transporter Room …

: Write About What Interests You I’ve been very fortunate on the Internet, as most of my early interactions on it were about …

: Deus Ex Machina I’m gonna keep my 180 mph Porsche 911. Sorry AOC. Then again I drive less than …

: I've Written Something Important For All to Read ---> One of my friends is a leading sociologist with more books in print than any other sociologist in …

: Dave Winer is now working on River 6 and it’s looking pretty good!

: I finally got around to adding them up. In the last five NBA seasons, the number of games played, …

: Benefits of Being a Dylan Scholar Here’s a picture (by Cydney Scott) of a friend I made in …

: In March, Lawrence Ferlinghetti turned 100 years old. I just watched this interview of him from 2007 …

: Disaster at Our Home! Our adorable wild rabbits consumed my wife’s entire crop of Chinese Long …

: Here's a Woman Politician I Think is Terrific!! -- And now for someone competely different!! I was very impressed by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D - Hawaii), …

: Today I read a review of the HBO series on Chernobyl in the New Yorker. It pointed to this book as …

: When the NBA Finals are over, I am going to resume my education with the help of stories told by Ken …

: ROLLING THUNDER REVUE Life isn’t about finding yourself, or finding anything! Life is about …

: Mississippi John Hurt at Oberlin -- Mississippi John Hurt did a concert at Oberlin College on tax day in 1965. It was near the end of my …

: Elephants (“chang” in Thai) made a huge contribution to the history & culture of …

: Mr. Bee working hard in the morning sun, as these Spiderwort blossoms only last one day. But there …

: On FB in the Dylan community, one of my friends from Europe has given us a terrific present on …

: John Fahey's #1 Fan --- Fahey Looms Large! --- Last Thursday Google surprised me with a link to a terrific podcast about John Fahey that was …

: I like this story a LOT!

: The Spirit of Help & Cooperation, Freely Given Thank you for your invaluable service, Simon!! Your work is very much along the lines of the …


: Managing My Time --- click here --> We are all capable of focusing our attention on one thing, or splitting it among many competing …

: Tis the season for postings about Bob Dylan, because his birthday was 2 days ago, on 5/24. I’m …

: After 4 mos of pain since I fell on the driveway sweeping off fresh snow, a hand surgeon looked at …

: A Brilliant Point from Alan Jacobs, @ayjay “Of course the indie web cannot scale. But that’s a …

: Dave Winer is still capable of brilliant writing. Here’s an example about trees.

: Here’s a rehearsal of the great song that woke me up to the genius of Bob Dylan. It was the …

: You may all know the ancient Indian parable of the Blind Men and an Elephant. In the US we are proud …

: Jack, I’m very sorry to have annoyed you, definitely an unintended & regretted …

: Manton, the time stamps in the Archive of my postings can not be used to open the ones dated …

: MarsEdit: The 1st program I installed on my new Mac Mini. Now have all my micro.blog postings backed …

: Dandelions If we were driving up the Grapevine north of LA & saw a field of color in the spring, …

: So now that I bought a Mac Mini I see Manton and some others are talking about dark clouds on the …

: Advice about keyboards for Mac Mini, please! Best Buy here has the Magic Keyboard ($99) and a bunch …

: Instagram has considered hiding the Like count on photos. No kidding. I guess good things want to …

: Our Astronaut Friend Is Now Gone This year on tax day, 4/15/19, the amateur radio community lost one of its most famous members, Owen …

: Mac Newbie Brag After a rough start, I have succeeded in getting MarsEdit setup & working with the domain name I …

: Adventures With My New Mac Mini I can now read and/or post to micro.blog using the web interface on my PC, on my Google Chromebook, …

: I have the micro.blog app running on my Mac. It’s fine for reading, but no way found to post a …

: My Mac mini came with Mac OS Sierra 10.12.5 installed. Should I upgrade it to the latest OS now, or …

: Okay, I’m trying out Smokey’s URL trickery. While I’m at it, I’ll take issue …

: It arrived this afternoon by Fedex. I haven’t opened it yet, but I will soon.

: Tiger did it! He won his fifth Masters by one stroke, fourteen years after he last won it. He is the …

: Five golfers (including Tiger) leading the Masters at -12 with a few holes to go.

: I Had a Great Time Buying the Mac Mini! (You might like reading about it.) Done deal! I’ll have the new Mac mini at my doorstep by Monday. I made a good friend in the …

: Mac mini advice needed & FAST Sale ends in 9 hrs. See ad here. Not current macOS, but says it …

: Mac mini advice needed & FAST Sale ends in 9 hrs. See ad here. Not current macOS, but says it …

: A Live Nest Cam in the Scottish Highlands! This morning at 4:38 am my time, Adam Tinworth @adders posted a link to an extraordinary live cam in …

: Strange two hour gap in the Timeline, from @amit posting about barbers at 5:19 am to @dodi posting …

: Backward Compatibility: Not So Much Discouragement has turned to some hope about my bargain Mac Minis. My general policy since my early …

: Today I downloaded my Google+ takeout zip file, 746 files to begin to look through. Some of the …

: Suddenly I own TWO Mac Mini Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz (T7200) Mid 2007 Macs. They each have a power supply …

: I was intrigued by the wooden boardwalk I saw in the image by @amongthestones, which was taken in …

: In the QSO Today podcast a ham in Israel interviews other hams about their experiences in amateur …

: The area where I lived for a decade+ (Santa Clara) near the end of my 50 year stay in CA is the most …

: Download your Google+ data soon, get started by 3/31/19 or sooner. Go here to get started. They are …

: Would it be a good idea to have software put up postings from new people on the Discover tab …

: A question for my readers. Have any of you heard of or read any books by James W. Loewen? I would …

: About Blogging Technical Advisers I’ve sworn off micro.blog social media chatting, as I was wasting way too much time and had …

: Start a Radio Garden Click here, then press play. Radio doesn’t know about borders. I spun the …

: Google turned up a nice April 2018 article about John Fahey, which includes a one hour video of John …

: Did you ever think about making Kindle public domain books as a side hustle? Well that’s the …

: Why I Watch the Oscars I was surprised that I saw no mention of the Oscars on my timeline today, other than from Jack. I …

: No Man Was More Hated Than Lincoln During the Civil War, no man was more hated than Lincoln. He was called a gorilla, a beast, a …

: Lincoln On Communication I determined to be so clear that no honest man could misunderstand me and no dishonest man could …

: I saw a puffy pillow-cloud glide in over head. The weight inside too much, pin holes burst open …

: Monthly book sale at library today: hardbacks $1, paperbacks (which I rarely buy) 50 cents. So …


: We got word yesterday that Izzy Young, the best friend folk music people ever had, passed away on …

: Howard Baker, was known as the “Great Conciliator.” He was one of the most successful …

: “I have found that when one is embarrassed, usually the shortest way to get through with it is …

: My wife has been taking English classes given by the local community college. Now they’ve …

: Here’s the first of the 2019 Superbowl commercials. Last night I posted an article about …

: Could I Use This Cartoon On My Blog? I stole an image from Dave Winer’s website a few days ago. He didn’t give the source of …

: A brilliant quote for the @JohnPhilpin quote page, by Simon, about the New Post page: as somebody …

: I wasn’t kidding about this new documentary. So I’m tryin’ again. In all the …

: "Delacroix" from a Great Song I had a job in the great north woods Working as a cook for a spell But I never did like it all that …

: If you figure you know all about life in America, I encourage you to watch this new documentary. I …

: I never use the Google Assistant that came with my Android phone. Today it linked to a phishing …

: After no snow since 15 Nov, we finally got 6” last night, drifts to 12” and still snowing. It’s …

: My 1st & 2nd grade teachers wrote in my report cards to my parents that I really liked books, …

: No.1 Foreshadowing Yesterday Dave Winer suggested we would be wise to subscribe to the Radio Open …

: I just created the first version of a new Itty Bitty website. Just click here. There won’t be …

: Okay, I guess that was actually a reply to Manton. So here’s another fresh message written and …

: My High School Graduation Robert Frost The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel …

: An End & A Start, 2018-2019 The last 24 hours has seen a lovely explosion of blogging here. With …

: Maria Callas and Patti Smith On 8 Nov 1998 I met Patti Smith & bought her new lyrics book, Patti Smith Complete. I was just …

: I Have a Dream That one day you’ll no longer have to explain why there are no Likes on …

: Christmas Message, 2018 Soundtrack

: From the longest running podcast of ALL TIME, by Christopher Lydon, is a brilliant exposition about …

: One Person Can Change a Lot I think one thing we might reflect upon around this time is what a huge difference one person can …

: On the impact of Likes and images on the web, there is this. It goes back to when Google pulled the …

: The Sky is Falling! Photo by Nick Ilyasov on Unsplash

: Warriors Named Sportsperson of the Year “…impossible to overlook the influence that the …

: Our Christmas cactus 🌵 is pretty sure that Christmas is coming. ❄️

: I got the new iOS update of the official app. Zoom-in to all images is now working and auto-fill of …

: Here’s some fun stories about some concerts in the Midwest in 1964 and 1962, back in my school …

: Went out to dinner with friends last night. I had the special: a Sloppy Joe with fries, the first …

: My Dylan River of News is working, something I’ve wanted since Dave first demonstrated his new …

: Gigantic news in my world. Watching the River Flow is now live & flowing along. This is my new …

: First meal on the floor of our sun porch on a warm Saturday afternoon using a hot pot. Feast for 20% …

: New image feature on the official iOS app Or just noticed it? Usually images have been a fixed size. …

: First Big Goal for US was, “… all men are created … certain unalienable Rights, that …

: The accomplishments of NASA are one of the things that made America great. It was started by Ike. In …

: For Micro Monday, I’m recommending Brad, @bradenslen for many reasons. He’s a power user …

: Touchdown confirmed!!

: Supreme Court agrees to hear antitrust case against Apple. Trump sides with Apple, many states line …

: Have You Ever Gone to a Bob Dylan Show? Yesterday a friend here on Micro.blog (@AndySylvester) posted to alert me that Bob Dylan might make …

: First Thanksgiving turkey cooked by my native Thai wife. She did a great job! She never had a turkey …

: I wrote about how I’m using Dropbox Paper to keep a daily listing of my work. Now also using …

: Rams over Chiefs 54 to 51 To refresh your memory about the details of that amazing game last night, …

: Once again we have the Picture of the Week appearing on a Monday. No slight intended to all the …

: Why Use Fargo? - Some history on my own blogging! Mojeek found one of my blog articles from March …

: Dave Winer Update #3 on the History of Blogging On the subject of blogging, surely everyone should …

: Dave Winer Update #2 on the Ethos of Listening to Users I found this Dave monologue well worth the …

: Dave Winer Update and Sign of the Times Dave, who wrote many brilliant blogging tools, has now …

: As the snow melts, revealing the leaves below that we didn’t have time to rake, my wife’s frozen …

: LEONARD COHEN QUOTE To keep our hearts open is probably the most urgent responsibility you have as …

: My wife returning from her two mile walk (each way) to her school, first time in the snow. She …

: Turning Points I’ve noticed a good thing about growing older. You begin to get some interesting perspectives …

: The Collaboration between Jack Kerouac & Steve Allen They made an LP together before Kerouac …

: Walt Whitman: Specimen Days Recommended by Jack Kerouac on the Steve Allen Show, as an example of …

: Great Film Rarity Jack Kerouac reading from On The Road, to Steve Allen’s piano playing. NY …

: Mitch Blank, well known Bob Dylan archivist in his West Village apartment Enjoy a five minute video …

: Fall Stage 2 Has Begun Very cold at night. Then bright sun in the morning beating down on our 90 ft …

: First Snow Yesterday we drained the fish pond of water & leaves in early preparations for …

: Amazing Grace, one of the most famous films to never be released is finally coming to theaters. The …

: At the grocery store, the lady 2 cars down had 72 as her license plate number. “You the mayor …

: Warren Buffett's Partner on the Importance of Accounting --- Click here -----> You have to know accounting. It’s the language of practical business life. It was a very …

: Spent a long time on Apple site looking at AirPods for my iPod Touch. Reviews are all over the map. …

: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - Among the Finest Inventions of the Human Mind “What a thing it is to see the order which prevails throughout his business! By means of this …

: Fall outside our bedroom window.

: Perhaps some of you could offer advice on the best way to Value & Sell a Domain Name. I’m …

: A friend brought us a pumpkin from her garden for Halloween, then my wife noticed that some critter …

: I’m seeing more kudos for iPad Pro than anything else at the Apple event today. I still have a …

: With the World Series & then a visit from friends of 40 years I lost touch about things here. A …

: Just outside our living room window.

: Clearly Boston has the best team in baseball this year!

: Dodgers, unable to score any earned runs in 15 straight innings, decide to wear out the Red Sox so …

: When Words First Appeared, Episode #2. Here’s the word that first appeared in print the year I …

: Thanks to Jack for this great tool for finding when words first appeared in print. I may incorporate …